A Very Human Success

I’ve longed for success,

Yet in my lifetime,

Remains elusive,

Each dream rescinds the previous,

Resurrecting new heights to aspire,

Settling for mediocrity would be surrender,

This is the human way,

Should we not instead be yearning for elation,

Our sole reason for being,

Instead of monetary wealth,

Finding happiness in work, love, life,

Treasures that cannot be bought,

Fools believe fulfillment lies in smelted gold,

Gold alone does nothing but poison the soul,

Hollowing out and destroying our hearts,

Becoming a false and idolatrous god,

Blinding us to true and lasting joy,

Perhaps success lies in simple things,

Very human things,




Love of one’s self must be realized,

For void of this one cannot offer love to another,

Maybe success is already in our grasp,

If we would just be thankful,


For all that we already possess.


If we were to look inside ourselves,

We would find that we have always been…


~~ D. R. DiFrancesco ~~