
Wasted on the young

I know because I was them once

Stubborn, invincible, I would live forever

Death seemed so far off

On the far side of halfway I want to share my lessons

Maybe this time someone will listen, then again why should this time be different


~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~

What Lives Within Us

What lives within us,

Deep beneath skin’s shallowness?

Beauty is finite

Where the senses are concerned.


Time eats away at our flesh…

No one is immune.

The mirror lies to the young.


Tricked by ignorance

They believe it’s forever.

Surely age doth prove them wrong

As it has done for eons.


Better spent is time

Seeing the beauty within.

Love and compassion,

They have no physical bounds…

They cannot be kept.

These are things of true beauty,

Things cherished for a lifetime.


Given with no material cost,

But having immeasurable value

These are what are precious to me.


This is the beauty,

That lies deep within.


~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~

So Lovely Are You

So lovely are you,
A flower frozen in time,
Beauty eternal.
To my eyes forever young,
Though to others we grow old.
Age, is illusion,
Wasted for generations
On those bearing youth.
A shame and curse to be sure
For they are blinded by years.
One day they will know
What we begrudgingly learned,
That love knows no bounds.
It is beauty internal
That time cannot take away.

~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~

What Is This Thing Mystical

What is this thing mystical?

One so oft used to determine one’s worth,

To discriminate,

To determine wisdom,

To justify foolishness,

Wasted on the young,

Marking the beginning,

Anticipating the end,

Setting milestones,

Telling us when to leave,

Removing individuality,

Segregating the masses,

Coming too slowly,

Wished to slow down,

Terrible early on,

Then sweet,

Forty old of youth,

Fifty young of old,

Then the precious metal of gold.

Why the stigma?

Why the worry?

This mystic–age,

It’s no different than its predecessor,

No different than its successor,

It’s just a number,

Like any other.


~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~


Prompt: Jeremy’s Daily Challenge – Friday’s Threesome 9 May

Quote: Forty is the old age of youth, fifty is the youth of old age – Victor Hugo


Some Say It Is A Window Into The Soul

Some say it is a window into the soul,

But me…well, I don’t know

I run, I jump, I laugh and cajole

As though I’m putting on a show.


The youth in me knows not this bodies age,

Ignoring the aches and the pains.

Like a Mad Hatter on the Phantoms stage,

Tossing aside my horses reins.


Playing in the grass, flying kites high in the sky,

Living for just having fun.

Juvenile maybe, lets just say that I try,

Hoping for much longer from where I’d begun.


This is how I choose to live a fairytale life,

One of fullness, prosperity and joy.

Living without the stress and the mind numbing strife,

That so many chose to employ.


Then a look in the mirror reveals an inevitable truth,

That no one can run from their age.

Bags and wrinkles are not things of one’s youth,

As each year turns the next page.


In my minds eye I’m still the same person I was

O’ those many years gone by.

Only the blind would be ignorant of the cause,

No matter how hard they may try.


So the moral to this story is one I believe

To live in happiness and in peace.

Keep the child in your heart, never to cleave,

And your elation will surely increase.


~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~


Prompt: Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie – Fairytale Prompt #7

I Pray For Restraint

I pray for restraint.

I pray that pride will not turn us blind,

This can only result in death.

Drawing all sides to the brink

On what road will there be peace?


Yes, perhaps lines have been crossed,

But lines can be distorted by wind,

Blurred by anger, smothered with oil,

Causing harried decisions…

This is the time for wisdom not greed.


Let not egotism ignite Armageddon,

The stakes are far too great.

Have we learned nothing from our past,

Nothing from our present,

Nothing from the farewells to our sons and daughters?


Tell us almighty, what is victory!

Show us what victory looks like,

We have not seen one in so long!

You ask again for our trust

Yet your truths ring as hollow as ever.


~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~

Metamorphosis (For My Daughter)

Faces in the crowd,

Nameless, peering through me,

Recognizing every minute flaw,

Silently laughing,

They whisper behind cupped hand,

Eyes dart in my direction then away,

Not so very subtle,

They think I’m oblivious,

But I see them,

I know what they are thinking,

I know what they are saying,

These things are not who I am,

One look in the mirror bears this out,

My reflection is unique,

Beholden only to me,

Blonde hair,

A shade unlike any other,

Ivory skin,

Imperfect, but my own,

Neither stick thin nor tall,

Comparisons to runway models are unfair,

Artificial life forms,

Moulded from botox and silicone,

Airbrushed to flawless perfection,

Idols born of magazine covers and centerfolds,

An unrealistic expectation for any young woman,

To live up to this cosmetic fraud is impossible,

Beauty is only skin deep,

Physical and momentary,

I am so much deeper than the shallowness of this pool,

If you could only see my essence,

The storm raging inside me,

Hopes, dreams, passions, opinions

Swirling like a typhoon,

A perfect storm,

Waiting to erupt with explosive force,

Breaking out of this cocoon of fear,

Leaving shards of this scared little girl,

In pieces on the floor,

Rising out of the wreckage,

A stronger more self-confident woman,

Able to speak for myself,

Defend my views,

Hold my head high in the face of adversity,

To cower no more,

Behind a mask of insecurity,

My opinions matter,

Commanding respect,

Regardless of whether we disagree,

I am an equal,

And I demand to be treated as such,

No longer subordinate,

My age, race and gender should have no bearing,

Yes, I may fall, but I will not break,

Yes, I may occasionally fail, but failing does not signal inadequacy,

I will sprain and bruise,

Scars left as reminders of experience gained,

But you must grant me this right of passage,

Allowing me to grow and become independent,

Crawling out from under my parents wings,

To stand unaided as if for the very first time,

An infant in a brave new world,

Opened up to be lived and explored,

I will voice my politics,

This is now my right,

Using my vote to shape the world I live in,

Unafraid to stand up,

Even when ridiculed by those of differing views,

This is their right as it is mine,

I will pay them no head unless civil,

Extremists hold no sway over me,

My hopes and dreams stand before me,

With open arms waiting to embrace,

I have the power of mind and body,

To grasp and hold all that I desire,

Be it business, education, the helping of others,

All these things are within my reach,

It is not for you to determine my passion,

You do not live within me,

But you benefit by my being,

I will break out of this shell,

Becoming all that life has endowed in me,

If I will just let me go.


~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~