The End Is No End

The end is no end.

Throughout life we sense the past,

A time before our time,

We call it deja vu.

We’ve been here,

We’ve met before,

But we cannot place when or where.

Is this just a sense

Or a glimpse into a time before our time.

Could we not be going round-and-round,

Traveling time until we get it right,

Coming back and back

Until we perfect our journey?

Perhaps God requires us to earn our right

To join him in Heaven,

Learning over the centuries and lifetimes

The things only time can teach.

We are flawed creatures,

Attracted to sin,

Given to the allure of its pleasures.

Like children, we must learn our lessons

Under the tutelage of God,

Before we can be admitted into His

Kingdom of Heaven.


~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~

From Heaven Falls Tears

From Heaven falls tears

Washing man’s filth from this earth.

Is that not called love?

Could any Father do more

To heal wounds of his children?


He weeps for our souls,

Our loss of humanity

Once gifted to us,

Dismissed in lieu of greed

Yet denied by the greedy.


Is this not our way,

To walk through life in blindness

Avoiding our flaws?

Then in our reckoning hour

We beg for His forgiveness.


How foolish we are

Destroying so many lives

All for bits of gold.

In the end what did this buy,

But a road leading to Hell.


~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~

O’ The Beauty, the Warmth of the Sun,

O’ the beauty, the warmth of the sun,

The bluest of blue skies, whitest of clouds floating on hidden breezes.

What worries do I have when surrounded by the Divine’s Creations?

Temporal pains hold no sway in the face of Heaven’s glorious perfection.

I gripe over aches, aging, suffering and death

Spending my life in pity over the trivial.

But why?

Is not peace and joy spread out before me,

Have I not been granted five senses for their pleasure?

What has been given proves to be insufficient,

An incessant want pervades my very being.

This ego drives me to horde ever more of the materialistic…

I am weak!

Lying back in the tall green grass I marvel at Heaven,

Watching birds of all variety crisscross its expanse.

Wondering…Perhaps they know the answer,

Living simply and in the moment,

Requiring nothing, but food and shelter.

Wasn’t this what was endowed to us by the Creator, In The Beginning

Until the day our egos drove us to sin.

Maybe it is time I step back,

Taking time to look for that little spark that burns within

…That is God.


~~ Dominic R. DIFrancesco ~~

Thirst Stinging My Throat

Thirst stinging my throat;

Dust and grime choke me of air.

Breathing is labored.

Thirsting for an oasis

I will drink sand to survive.


Could this be blind faith,

Utopia found in sand;

Trusting you’ll be quenched?

Isn’t this what religions

Teach is the only path to God?


~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~