Can You Smell The Winds Of Change

Can you smell the winds of change?

Not confined by border or ethnicity;

It cares not about race, creed or color.

For so long the grass has been trampled,

Crushed under ornate boot heels,

Mowed down by the sharpest of blades

With no thought of the consequences.

Resilience is the way of nature.

Young shoots and saplings rebound,

They cannot be kept down.

Can you smell the winds of change

As they comes for you?

Your palaces and coffers cannot protect you,

Shuttered windows cannot save you,

We are not fooled by your fained sympathy,

Looking us in the eyes from marbled balconies

And lying through your yellowed teeth.

You do not know our condition!

You do not know our pain

As yours are the boots that have ground us to dust!

Take your hollow words and scream into the wind.

Choke on the vomit you spew,

Knowing that the end is near

And it is you that will be crushed

For all of the harm that you have done.


~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~

50 Word Story: Maybe It Was Time

“What what the hell do you want from me”; John screamed at his crying wife! No matter how much overtime he worked there was never enough money to cover the bills.

The only thing he could think of was that maybe it was time to cash in the life insurance.


~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~


Can you imagine a country;

A system where money…

Profit is its religion,

I certainly can.

Take a look at what we’ve become

America, owned by corporations

Leaving its citizens rummage through their trash.

Is this what the promise was

Suffering under the greed of oligarchs?

Maybe not, but this is precisely who we are.


~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~

The Sun is Setting

The sun is setting, bathing our fall in the last rays of day.

Still we sleep sound in the quiet of darkness,

Oblivious to what awaits

Even though it has been foretold by sages and fools.

This end will not come with the concussion of a bomb,

It will not be suffered by the bloodletting of a bullet

These would be less painful.

It will come to us by our own greed,

Our ignorance and inhumanity will trounce us,

Look at those that came before,

The great Roman Empire.

Where is it now?

Oh yes it exists in its crumbling ruins,

Disintegrating coins dredged from the bottom of the sea

And legendary despots littering history books.

The sun has set for them yet their kind still exists.

Look no further than America!

This land of so much promise has been duped,

Fooled by its aristocrats and their vast wealth.

They stoke the fires of hatred and prejudice to divide us

Until we become immune to the putrid bile they spew.

They trust that factless propaganda will be trusted,

That we won’t take the time to hold them accountable…

And they are right, we are sheep being lead to slaughter.

What will it take to wake us up from their fear?

We are arrogant and pathological in our policy,

Refusing to take blame for even the smallest thing.

Climate change is real say our climate scientists

Yet we deny it because we aren’t scientists.

ISIS did not sprout out of thin air,

We created it with our insatiable thirst for oil

And the deaths of those we were determined to depose.

Education, social security and Medicare are in danger

Due to their incessant need to privatize and profiteer.

Tell me, what did they do to make you trust blindly?

All they did was tell you whose fault it is,

What group to hate,

That social programs like socialism are evil,

That they will watch your back and protect you

While taking away your civil rights in subtle ways.

Their votes send your jobs away all the while you beg them to help you.

Really what did they give you to vote away your best interest?

Lower taxes, privatization of government services, more free trade and job loses,

The right to openly discriminate against your fellow Americans,

All under the guise of some imagined religious war.

I really don’t understand what has happened,

When we stopped being logical and informed,

When we started believing in the oligarch’s fairytales,

When we became cultists to the media.

All I know is that changes are coming

So be careful what you wish for.


~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~

50 Word Story: The Vagrant

Dressed in their finest, the mogul and his mistress approached the steps of the marble behemoth.  They were running late for the gubernatorial ball and the inconvenience of the vagrant lying before them just served to infuriate.

Yelling obscenities at his still body…they did not realize he was dead.

~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~

Broken By Living

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Broken by living

An old man lies fetally

Praying for his death

Torturous life on the street

Trades its mercy for your soul


~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~


Anger erupting like Nisyros

Unemployment and suicide on the rise

Still the Troika attacks

Testing the fortitude of the masses

Edging them ever closer to destruction

Reeling from each blow

Individuals and businesses collapse

Til the vultures come in for the scraps

Your country could be next on their hit list


~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~

Do You See the Sloth in Slumber

Do you see the sloth in slumber

Ever exhausted in his laziness?

The world passes by;

His life and circumstances change

Right before his eyes, but he cares not.

His food becomes tainted by poison and profit,

His means of survival gets cut down from under him,

Yet these do not prod him to action.

Those charged with his care seek to destroy him.

They smile and whisper in their deceitful hushed tones

Then with a fury they beat him down from his limb.

O’ poor lowly sloth, if only you were the mighty tiger;

Perhaps then you would sink your fangs into these vultures,

Perhaps then you would arise and assume your role in this jungle,

But nay, you prefer to wile the hours away in blindness and lethargy.

Be not surprised upon awakening one day soon that your blissful paradise…

Has become a barren wasteland.


~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~

Anger of a Man

Anger of a man

Lashing out at the world,

Perhaps it’s sadness.

He’s being eaten from inside

And left for dead by mankind.


Hastily judging

Simple feeds the savage beast.

Leaving him a shell,

Unrecognizable to

Friends and family alike.


Such a waste is this

When each life is so precious

To cast it aside.

Leaving him alone to die

Amongst the concrete and cold.

~~ Dominic R. DiFrancesco ~~